La Causa is undoubtedly one of the best complements to ceviche. This delicious dish consisting of a potato dough to which chili and lemon have been added comes from the pre-Columbian tradition, which used the yellow potato variety for its more “earthy” character. Egg, black olive and avocado could also be added to the cause.
Over the years the recipe was perfected and it began to be made with a filling inside, which could be chicken, tuna, crab or other seafood; this is the preparation that you can try in any cevichería.
As an anecdote, the origin of the name of the dish is highly debated. While some culinary scholars defend that the word comes from the Quechua word “Kausay”, which means “what feeds”, as they also called the potato, others argue that the name was given to this dish in the War of the Pacific against Chile, Well, while the rations were delivered to the Peruvian soldiers, they were told: For the cause!
Whatever the origin of the name, this dish is an unmissable entry if you want to try Lima’s famous seafood.

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